Although reflexology has been around for hundreds of years, it is still misunderstood or unknown to so many. Commonly believed to be a foot massage, reflexology is actually a different technique than massage. Pressure is applied to various reflex points in the feet which correlate to the different glands, organs and parts of the whole body - not just the feet. Reflexology can also be done through the hands and ears. I have been a reflexologist for six years now and I've had the pleasure of introducing reflexology to many people. I love hearing how pleasantly surprised my clients are with how relaxing and enjoyable their sessions are - and even better, when they return, hearing about how much better they felt even weeks after their session. There is a lot of satisfaction in being a reflexologist. Helping people maintain relaxation, improve circulation and get the release of tension that so many of us need, is what I truly enjoy doing. Non evasive, non chemical - how much better can it get?? |